Hospital Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2014
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I've just lost a Guppy.
I'm beginning to think that if I had a Hospital Tank to put him in he may have survived.
A few questions to members if I may?
1) Will a small tank with no gravel or plants but fresh dechlorinated water and a heater act as a good Hospital Tank?
2) Will a 100% daily water change do away with the need for a filter in the Hospital Tank?
3) I know the Tank won't be used all the time (only for new and sick Guppies) but have any members got any advice on setting up a Hospital Tank?
A bucket with a heater is a good emergency tank. :)
Just siphon out any poo you see and it'll be perfecto.
A hospital tank is just a plain bare tank, yes you can add some decor, plastic plant etc for a fish to hide and reduce stress. An air driven sponge filter is ideal, you can keep the sponges in your main filter to take out when needed. Yes you do need a filter if you are using medication, doing daily water changes you just remove the medication. If you are treating a fish with just fresh water (healing wounds, bloat issues etc) then you do not need a filter. Plastic buckets are ok in an emergency but you need to take care of placing the heater so it does not melt the bucket.

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