Horizontal Stripes On Female Betta


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2012
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I read about them briefly but the answers I read were different from each other.

I was wondering if somebody actually knows what it really means ?

Horizontal stripes on a female betta are more than likely caused by stress. Some females naturally have these stripes and don't mean anything bad.
Stress is caused by moving the betta (shop to home, tank to tank etc), water changes, bullying from other fish, cold water, unsuitable living conditions, powerful filter, illness, outside of tank distractions - just to name a few!
One of my females has them perminantly, she is the lowest ranking one but otherwise happy in herself
I have one with permanent stripes too, though she is quite dominant, not quite at the top of the pecking order, but almost
Two of my females go between having them for a few days and not having them at all but there happy
I havent noticed them on my 2 white ones but I know when Alice is is stress cus she will loose the black in her eyes completely

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