So my little 5.5 gallon tank got knocked over (saved the fish/snails, they're all fine) and chipped one corner badly. It wasn't leaking, but I patched it with silicone and put duct tape over that. Yesterday, I noticed a bead of water running down the tape, so I needed a replacement. I found a 10g off Craigslist - cheap starter kit - for $12 and since the price was right, I got it. I'm not cycled yet, but my fish needed more room until I can move them to my 54 gallon (also not cycled yet).
I did get a whole big bag of gravel from an established tank at an LFS as well as a crapton of plants. Obviously I added the old filter to the new tank, and I seeded it with the established gravel. I moved all the decor, gravel, plants, etc. from the old tank as well. I'm hoping the addition of the LFS gravel was enough to not throw off my cycle, and hopefully it will help!
I added about 1/4 cup of the LFS gravel to the 10g tank and saved the rest for the 54g, which I plan to begin cycling tomorrow. I put the rest of the gravel in the small tank and just didn't fill up above the crack, and I have all the new plants for the 54 in there too. I kept half the old water as well in the old tank, which had trace ammonia, so that should give the bacteria something to eat. If I manage to not be able to fill up the 54g tomorrow, should I add ammonia to the "plant" tank for the bacteria? I currently have a spare filter hooked up to the plants' tank to keep the water circulating, and I got all hardy, low-maintenance plants.
I did get a whole big bag of gravel from an established tank at an LFS as well as a crapton of plants. Obviously I added the old filter to the new tank, and I seeded it with the established gravel. I moved all the decor, gravel, plants, etc. from the old tank as well. I'm hoping the addition of the LFS gravel was enough to not throw off my cycle, and hopefully it will help!
I added about 1/4 cup of the LFS gravel to the 10g tank and saved the rest for the 54g, which I plan to begin cycling tomorrow. I put the rest of the gravel in the small tank and just didn't fill up above the crack, and I have all the new plants for the 54 in there too. I kept half the old water as well in the old tank, which had trace ammonia, so that should give the bacteria something to eat. If I manage to not be able to fill up the 54g tomorrow, should I add ammonia to the "plant" tank for the bacteria? I currently have a spare filter hooked up to the plants' tank to keep the water circulating, and I got all hardy, low-maintenance plants.