Fish Fanatic
Video of my crossbred linebred Hongi. Not to be confused by one or the other. I purchased this fish a couple years ago as a juvenile and was told that it was a cross between a Hongi "SRT" (Super Red Top) and Hongi "Sweden", two different kinds of line bred fish. I never seen the parents of this fish so I took the breeders word for it. Before I bought this guy, I contacted a number of major sources looking specifically for the "Sweden" variety to no avail. I had seen the SRT variety a couple times up here in Canada but wasn't as interested as I was in the "Sweden" variety. I'm only mentioning this because I have the fish listed with both names in the video, just wanted to clarify this so there is no confusion. From watching videos on both line bred varieties it definitely looks like a cross, either way its a beautiful fish
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