Honey Gouramis And Platies Together?


New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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I've heard that male dwarf gouramis and platies don't get along. Would this be the case with honey's?
20g H
I am putting three 3-spot gouramis in my 46g with some platies the three spot's are supposed to be the more aggressive gouramis. In all of my research, I haven't seen many serious problems.

Honey gouramis should be wayyyyyyy more placid and it should fine. I would do that combination in a 20g. It really depends on how many fish you plan to keep and what ratio of males to females.
I have 2 separate 20 gallon tanks with a male Honey & a male Platy in each. One has a pair of Bolivian Rams and the other has single male Ram. They get along fine. :good:
I have 2 gouramis with 5 platys and 2 guppies and 2 mollies in a 47 gl tall tank. They all get along fine. I think you'll have no problems.

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