Honey Gourami Care/temperment


Jul 4, 2013
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so i was researching this gourami for my 55 gallon tank and i heard it was semi agressive and is their any truth to this and would they bully smaller fish?
Most gourami's are a little bit aggressive (some more than others) but I would think that because the honey gourami's size aggression towards other fish would be minimal, he might occaisionally chase another fish but it's likely to be playful. Also, do not put two males in together or they will establish their territory's and become aggressive towards each other and (sometimes) other fish.

With 1 male or 1 male 2 female the aggression should be little.
I have a trio of honeys in the same tank as green neon tetras (which are smaller than neon tetras) and the even smaller ember tetras, as well the larger dwarf chain loaches and cockatoo cichlids. The females ignore every other fish in the tank regardless of size, and the male only notices the females. He does chase them a bit but nothing like as badly as other species have the reputation for. The worst I've ever had in many years with honeys is females with tiny bits missing from the edges of their tails after being chased by the male, and this has healed up very quickly.
The only trouble I've ever had with honeys was the 2 females in a previous trio squabbling with each other.
Edited for spelling. They are chain loaches not chin loaches
thats good will look for a male as females seem feisty.

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