Holes In Plant!


May 25, 2012
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On my iphone so its a bit short but can someone just tell me what this is? The plant and the holes? Is it my ramshorn snails eating the plant?
Could be fish eating the plants, Could be lack of plant ferts, Not enough CO2, Could be melting.
It all depends on what set up you have.
i have no ferts or co2 at all. ive not long put all the plants in and waiting for payday to buy some ferts/liquid carbon. dont really want to go any other route due to lack of space.
this is the plants im talking about the picture didnt work on my phone.

lack of co2 id say, or melting if there new plants
so the holes are lack of co2? not snails?
i know i NEED liquid carbon and ferts ASAP
if there new plants it could be melt

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