Hiya :d


Mostly New Member
Jun 30, 2014
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Hi guys! I recently re-joined the aquatic hobby after having done a few months of research into the topic and I'm so glad to be back! 

I first had the typical goldfish that you win at fairs, and my parents bought a bowl and the fish lived for a while. Through my childhood years I had a number of pets, from bettas  and frogs to the furry cats, guinea pigs, mice and hamsters. At the moment I happily live with my parent's cat, my guinea pig and two fish tanks
(with Bettas, mollies and some mystery snails!) 
I'm looking to add more plants to my tanks when I get the chance. (maybe some more grass like plants?)

Hope you enjoy the forum!
Be cool to see some pics of your tanks and your pets.
Glad to have you on board :)
This is my main tank
I have my mollies (all types but female), and four black/purple mystery snails! 
This is my quarantine tank
I have since moved my bettas to my main tank (all females that get along).  I currently have all 13 of my dalmatian molly and calico balloon molly fry in there with two baby nerite snails! 
Here's a close up of one of my mystery snails, gotta love them <3 
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
How many females do ya have?
That white/green plant in your QT tank is non-aquatic so I'd take it out. Sorry just thought you should know. Love that curtain/blanket behind it, with the cute sushi! 
Yeah, it's subaquatic, so I take it out for a day or two and then put it back underwater. Once i get more fully aquatic plants, I'll take them out. (this photo is a little old also, so I have added another fully aquatic plant to the quarantine tank). 
Thank you! I thought it was a little ironic to put sushi as a background. It's a little tote bag. I have some light fabric that I'll laminate and make into a more permanent background (a similar design with sushi, soup etc). 
I have:
2 Calico balloon mollies
1 Silver molly
1 Black molly
1 Dalmatian molly
1 Cremecicle lyretail molly
I also have three female veiltail bettas; one navy and royal blue, one red and one 'white' that has purple, red, pink and blue undertones :D I'm not adding any more fish tot his tank as the number of fish for the tank (29 gallons) is getting there  (for possible full-grown length). I do 25%-50% water changes weekly depending on the state of the water. 
Thanks! I'm looking into getting some more snails :3 They're so cute! 

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