Hillstream Loaches


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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do hillstream loaches swim in schools and how much do they normally cost? i have never kept loaches so im not really sure about these because they just look like algae eaters.
It really depends on what type of hill stream loach you are talking about.
If your talking about Gastromyzon species then yes they do like being in a group, but not in a typical schooling way. They generally like to hang out together and males will have their sparring matches which are usually harmless.
Beaufortia is another hillstream loach and also likes being in groups where they can interact together. They will protect their chosen places but fights are usually harmless unlike Sewellia
If your talking about Sewellia species then these also like being in a group but more so pairs since the males can get very territorial and aggressive to one another.
None of these are true algea eaters although to the naked eye it looks like that is what they are feeding on. They are actually eating the micro-organisms living in the algea. I have at last count 13 (possibly 15) gastromyzon species and they have all taken readily to tropical flakes, sinking catfish wafers, catfish algea pellets, and defrosted daphnia. They have never really shown a great interest in bloodworms either deforsted or dried.
how much do the gastromyzon cost normally? and what is the least amount you can have because i can't fit that much more fish into my tank.
I am not sure how much they would usually cost in the USA but in Australia they are generally around $15 each. The least number I would suggest is 6. Since they tend to stay on the walls and other structure in the tank they don't tend use a heap of swimming space. If really strapped for space you could probably get away with 4.
Here are some not so good pictures of some of mine on their favourite feeding rock. The food lands on it from the filter and they love having an all in feast.

If you look closely there is at least 3 types of Gastromyzon feeding together, all where just sold under the one banner of Borneo Suckers.
oh, ok i don't really want to spend that much money on them right now, i was just looking for something to suck the algae of the tank and i cam across this. do you know of any good nice looking pleco i can get for cheap?
Peppermint bristlenoses are a nice plec, not sure how much they would cost in your area.
oh wow! i just looked it up and they cost $200-$300 
That much, I am guessing for mature breeding pairs. Usually you can pick up juvi peppermints around $30 or less depending on the source.

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