High Tech Betta Tank - Ideas?


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
Reaction score
So what do foke think about my betta tank? Any ideas what other plants I should add or what I should remove.
I use CO2 and marco/trace ferts in my tank so anything goes.
Also rocks or more wood etc.

Photos murky due to me moving things.
It begs to have the betta removed and replaced with some celestial pearl danio. ;)
Add some ferns to the wood, nothing is cooler than a living piece of driftwood with the ferns, moss and other plants all over it.  What kind of plants are those in the back?  A rocky outcropping or corner cave with overgrown foliage would be sweet too!!!
Never seen celestial pearl danios before, Are they rare in the UK?
Cheers for the ideas ech0o, Forgot the name for the plants now :p
So nice to finally see you here in the betta section Techen.  
I personally would add some rocks and a piece of branchy wood that he could swim in and out of.  I am a big fan of hygrophilia species so having some of those would look nice in this tank.  
Other than that, I would let the plants you have in your tank grow and fill in.  With high lighting and ferts, it won't take long to become a nice jungle.   
The plants in the back are a type of cabomba if I am not mistaken.
You may know them by their old name, galaxy rasbora. But, they found out they weren't rasbora after all so they changed the name. They are among my favorite micro fish. I was actually lucky enough to get them back in 2007 only months after they were discovered due to a connection I had at one of our local shops. Now the trade is more carefully done as the initial demand nearly destroyed the wild population and they are bred in aquaria.

techen said:
Never seen celestial pearl danios before, Are they rare in the UK?
Cheers for the ideas ech0o, Forgot the name for the plants now
I'll have a word with my LFS about them but I doubt they can get them :p
you should be able to get them techen, few local places to me stock them.
Tcamos what a thing to say!!! :p

Techen it looks fab, maybe some Anubias for him to sleep on? Now you must have a name for him? Hmmm let me see if I can guess?

Luther? :D

I have celestial danios in my 54 but bettas are much more interactive :)

P.s sorry about your A3? That totally sucks!
Actually, it's a bit of a compliment as the tank inspired a fish choice which means it presents a clear vision. It's just that...at least for me...that vision doesn't say betta.
Actually in this case I would have to agree with Tcamos
Ah SLIM you wait until you get a 30litre setup in your daughters bedroom for a betta, then you'll get the betta bug :D
No daughter of mine will have a mere 30ltr Pahh
300ltr maybe XD

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