Hi, im new here, just started first tank a few months ago. I hope this thread is in the right place. Currently have a 4 foot tank, 200 litres i believe. Eheim 2217 filter, a few plants, want to upgrade our gravel to a good plant substrate in near future, to really plant tank out, some driftwood, lava rock. At the moment we have neon tetras, emperor tetras, guppies and cory cats, as well as endler guppies. Want to add rummynose and head and tail light tetras. Trying to stick with small schooling fish, they look so much nicer and have way more personality. Unfortunately have a fungal disease in neons at the moment. Treated today so hopefully will help. And 1 female guppy has lost half its tail.. dunno how . Anyway be nice to get some help off here, and maybe give help in the future. If anyone can recommend a thread for our guppy problem that would be great.