Hi From The Sunny Canary Islands


New Member
Jan 20, 2014
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hi to all,
i have been keeping fish for about 2 years now i have guppies,swordtails and kribenis and one cat fish
at the moment i have the kribs in a tank on their own but a friend of mine is give me some mollies soon and i dont know what tank to put them in
will they be ok with the kribs ?
or i have another 2 tanks that have the swordtails and the guppies in so do i put them in with them ?
not sure what to do for the best and i saw your web site and thought i would join to get some good sound advice
thanks tracy
Mollies should be okay with all of the fish you mentioned, so probably put them in the tank that has the most room for them (The lowest stocked tank) if that makes any sense. 
to TFF! I hope you enjoy it here.
What size tanks do you have and what are the fish in them? This would help in knowing what tank to add the mollies to, and if there are any issues that should be dealt with.
thanks for your replies
2 of my tanks are 80 litres and have a mix of fish ,one has all of the swordtails and some guppies,the other has a mix of guppies and platys with the catfish
the 3rd tank is only 60ltrs and that has 16 kribs in it,i am giving the friend 6 of these so i will only have 10 in that tank ,but i have heard the kribs can be quite terratorial
Hi Tracy, I just got back from the Canary Islands. Do you have tropical fish shops on the island? If so I guess there must be a reasonably large number of fish keepers there to sustain the shop despite the low population of the islands?
I collected some drift wood for my tank in Fuerteventura last year and took it in a separate bag through customs, and one security guard asked me what it was, and when I told him it was drift wood, he showed it to the other gaurds and they all started laughing. Well funny! I couldn't understand the Spanish, but I think the other gaurds were ribbing him that he'd found some contraband! lol

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