

Fish Crazy
Nov 25, 2013
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I have a long fin danio that is really mean does anybody have I idea what I can do whit him I would hate to kill him or give him away pleas help I'm desperate
Danios, like a lot of shoaling fish, are notorious for being aggressive if not kept in a large enough group (6+).
If you can't get another five to keep him busy and out of trouble, it really would be best to rehome him to someone whose got others for him to mix with.
he is a schooling fish, numbers should in around 6+ 
separate him or sell him, or trade him for a fish at the pet store.
unless the fish is on its way out.. unable to swim properly.. nose diving, skinny, not eating that IMO is the only time to kill a fish. pulling it out of its misery. 
I think from reading your other posts that your danio is a single danio in your 10 gallon tank.
Fluttermoth is absolutely correct in her post.
Really should be kept in groups of more than 6 as they are shoaling fish, much more comfortable in a group to feel more secure and less threatened.
A danio on his own will not be happy, especially in a tank thats too small for him. 
IMO would recommend you re-home this danio to a good home if you can.
Ok well I CAN NOT rehome it it is almost inposble to do that where I live to get fish I have to drive 2hours
You could get your parents to phone the shop and ask them? then you could take it back when you go to get new fish?

If not, then you'll have to get more danios.
Well I already did that and they sad they do not take fish from other peeps if they are not a big trusted Company
If you cannot or refuse to re-home the danio, you could get a bigger tank and do a fishless cycle and then get at least 5 more danios and put your single danio with them in bigger tank.
Thats one option you can do perhaps?
EDIT - am assuming you have a Zebra Danio as this tends to be what most LFS stocks.
No I do not have a zebra it is a long fin daneo
Which species of long fin danio? there are several species, one being Zebra Long Fin Danio.....they are basically the same as Zebra Danios but bred with long fins, can be gold or silvered as well.
I do not know all I know is it is not a zebra daneo
Post a picture of your fish, that will help an awful lot to help you identify exactly what species you have 
snork6 said:
No I do not have a zebra it is a long fin daneo
As I've said in your other thread, the long finned danio is just a variety of the zebra.
A bit like some breeds of dog come in either a long haired type or a short haired type, but they're still the same breed of dog underneath.
Ok I did what you sad and go a bigger tank I'm going to use my 10g for baby fry

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