Help With Planted Tank


New Member
May 25, 2012
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Hello to everyone, I'm new to fishkeeping, so have lots of questions. :blush:

I have a 4ft 240 liter tank that I plan on setting up over the coming weeks. I have a 3d Amazon background on its way from Aqua-Maniac and I plan on using sand instead of gravel. Can anyone offer advice on what would be okay to plant? Would hairgrass be okay to use?

I don't plan on have lots of plants so will I need to add a layer of fertilizer such as TetraPlant complete substrate, or would just using plant fertilizer tablets be okay?

Finally my wife came home from shopping bringing with her plants that she'd picked up from Pets at home. Can anyone identify them?


The first is a draecena which is a houseplant not an aquatic one, the second looks like a cordyline, again a houseplant
Be careful with plants like these ones.Shops advertise as suitable for fish tanks,but they are not and will melt and die in a few days deteriorating your water.
The plants you can have depends on what king of setup you got and what type of tank you want. I'm assuming its a low-tech tank.
Easy to keep plants, easy and cheaper to maintain. And with sand is not a problem to keeping plants in a tank. But bare in mind it should be a type of sand that does not affect your water. People around here either use pool filter sand or play sand.

Easy plants

The link above includes a list of easy to keep plants.
Thanks, my tank will be fairly simple, I have an AquaManta EFX-400 , 300wt heater, and dual air pump. Gutted about the plants, if the place my wife got them from wasn't so far away, I'd take them back. :angry:

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