Hello there i have had my 1st aquarium set up for some time now ( nearly a year ) and i have gone trough quite a few fish i am not overstocking and the culprit is usually the nitrates i have it all under control now
i currently have 1 cory 2 gourmai and 3 endlers the tank is 20 gal with a small gravel substrate i cannot tell you the name of the plants i have in there but i will upload a picture with the post im just wondering how mutch of a benefit do real plants provide ? they seem like such hastle removing the dead bits to stop them decaying i.e increasing the nitrates i would just like some general advice im still new to this and id rather just have happy fish rather then a fancy planted tank
i will attatch pictures of when i 1st had it and how i have it now please advise me on anything i am doing wrong.
thankyou !
i will attatch pictures of when i 1st had it and how i have it now please advise me on anything i am doing wrong.
thankyou !