Fluval edge, using 20 litres for calculations. Fishless, sparsely planted: 1 annubias, 1 java fern, small clump java moss, 2 pieces bogwood, black pebbles, manado substrate. Temp average 23C. Started with Nutrafin cycle then ended up ill but have tried to keep things going though the days and doses are totally skewed.
Day 1: tank filled with 20 litres dechlorinated water ( treated with nutrafin aqua plus), heated averaging 23C, dosed with Nutrafin cycle as per instructions (25ml per 40L so halved = 12.5ml for 20L). Water not tested.
Day 4: pH8.2, amm 2ppm, n'ite 1ppm. According to the nutrafin a 5ml dose should have been given on days 2&3, trying to play safe I dosed with 7.5ml.
Day 7: pH8.2, amm 2ppm, n'ite above 5pmm.
Unable to get out of bed until
Day 12: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite above 5ppm. I assumed something was happening but noticed the nutrafin expired Jan 14, disposed of it, got ammonia, used the ammonia calculator 20L 2ppm 35% = 0.11ml and dosed that amount. (I used to 2ppm because of the planting).
Day 14: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite above 5ppm
Day 16: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite =5ppm
Day 18: pH8.2, amm 0ppm, n'ite 0ppm. Dosed with 0.11ml 35% ammonia
Day 19: pH8.2, amm 0pmm, n'ite 0ppmn, n'ates 40+ppm
I know I haven't followed the cycling instructions but tried to make some logical(?) decisions when I was able to get out of bed. The last results are from the test I have just done so I would like some advice of how to progress from here. Should I dose and test again tomorrow to make sure that the ammonia is getting chomped up or do I scrap the whole thing and start again.
Thank you in advance for help and advice.
Day 1: tank filled with 20 litres dechlorinated water ( treated with nutrafin aqua plus), heated averaging 23C, dosed with Nutrafin cycle as per instructions (25ml per 40L so halved = 12.5ml for 20L). Water not tested.
Day 4: pH8.2, amm 2ppm, n'ite 1ppm. According to the nutrafin a 5ml dose should have been given on days 2&3, trying to play safe I dosed with 7.5ml.
Day 7: pH8.2, amm 2ppm, n'ite above 5pmm.
Unable to get out of bed until
Day 12: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite above 5ppm. I assumed something was happening but noticed the nutrafin expired Jan 14, disposed of it, got ammonia, used the ammonia calculator 20L 2ppm 35% = 0.11ml and dosed that amount. (I used to 2ppm because of the planting).
Day 14: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite above 5ppm
Day 16: pH8.2, amm 0.25ppm, n'ite =5ppm
Day 18: pH8.2, amm 0ppm, n'ite 0ppm. Dosed with 0.11ml 35% ammonia
Day 19: pH8.2, amm 0pmm, n'ite 0ppmn, n'ates 40+ppm
I know I haven't followed the cycling instructions but tried to make some logical(?) decisions when I was able to get out of bed. The last results are from the test I have just done so I would like some advice of how to progress from here. Should I dose and test again tomorrow to make sure that the ammonia is getting chomped up or do I scrap the whole thing and start again.
Thank you in advance for help and advice.