Help Needed In Identification.


Fish Fanatic
Nov 17, 2011
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Hi i have posted this in the emergency section but have had no luck. My black moor has been in a heated tank for the last six months perhaps more. He has increased in size but other than that has been happy and normal, he still is acting normal. However a month ago a small growth began on the back part of his body in between his back fins. it grew and appears to have stopped growing now. i have tried all pet suppliers and noone knows that this growth is? Two days ago i noticed some white spots on his face just above his mouth. Today they look like the skin is being eaten away slowly from the inside almost. I have a link to a you tube video where you can clearly see the growth at the back of the fish and the beginning white spots on his head. I am pretty distressed to say the least. As my favorite fish and one i have learned from and had since the start of my hobby i really want to do all i can. No one seems to know what this is?
Here is the link.
I apologize for posting in multiple sections i just need to know what this is before it may be too late for my fish. many thanks a distressed fish keeper.
The growth looks like a tumor. Unfortunately there isn't anything you can do, unless you live in an area with a vet that also works with fish.

As for the white patch, its really hard to tell.

Part of what may be causing the problems are keeping him at tropical temperatures. Goldfish should really be kept between 65-72 deg F. Higher temps can lead to all kinds of problems in cool and cold water fish, including a much shorter lifespan and less resistance to diseases.

Sorry I can't help you with what's exactly wrong with him, but one thing is certain, he should be in a 20 gallon all his own. No heat, good filtration and no tankmates.

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