Help Me Stock My Tank! Its All Confusing.


Mostly New Member
Aug 6, 2014
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Ok, so.... after getting some info on here, and reading myself, I think I am finally starting to get somewhere.  I have a 55 gallon tank. Here are the fish I am thinking of. 
I know they are all schooling fish and that I won't be able to get every kind.  That is ok.  These are just the ones that I like, and am considering as options.
The tank already has harlequin rasboras so I plan on keeping those.  It also has candy cane tetras already in the tank.  Do I need to be concerned about the candy cane tetras being aggressive like the white skirt tetras?
Here was what I was thinking as other possible options.
zebra danios
ONE or TWO of these
rummynose tetra
penguin tetra
gold neon tetra
cardinal or neon tetra
Also, would an angelfish work in there? any larger fish? 
I can't say I've heard of the candy cane tetras being aggressive but I havn't looked into them much either.
When you say one or two, do you mean say 1 or 2 rummies or 1 or 2 groups of tetras? Just wanting to check.
You already know my thoughts on the zebra danios since their preferred temperature is a bit lower than the tropical have.
I would only choose one out of that list, since you already have 2 schools (harlequins & candy cane tetras).
My choice would be the rummynose tetras because of how tightly they school, they're just realy lovely :)
An angelfish would be fine in the 55g, but as it got bigger it might eat the rummynoses (if you went with those) same goes for the cardinals/neons. I'm not sure about the penguin tetra.
I did Rams with Rasbora before and that worked very well. You could do some bolivians with the Rasbora and one of the other schooling/schoaling fishes. No danios.

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