Help Me Stock My New Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 28, 2013
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So I was chatting to Ninjouzata tonight about my new tank I will hopefully be getting in the not so distant future and how I am trying to think of ideas of what I could stock it with, but because I don't have a lot of knowledge about what is and isn't suitable I am asking for you guys to help me.
I will be transferring over my BN plecs, Pearl Gourami's, Corydoras and potentially my Harlequin Rasboras but I am always open to ideas and suggestions.
My plan is to have a sand substrate and plenty of plants hopefully so any ideas for what plants I could include as well would be good :)
Thanks in advance :D

I should've said that the new tank is going to be just over 200l and about 3ft8in long
More corydoras, more rasboras. I, personally, love seeing large schools of these guys. You've got your gourami at the top, the rasboras in the middle, and the catfish at the bottom. You need something in the warm tropical, probably to occupy that top/middle layer. What if you went with a school of really small but colorful, like the chili rasbora? You could have a school of about ten or more of these, they would intermingle with the harlequins, but they would add a lovely dash of red. This would give you plenty of activity, color, and size ranges so you could enjoy different species from different distances. Might be neat. 
Another option is perhaps a male swordtail in a lovely color variety. These guys are pretty and they have personality. I'd only get one because they can be nippy, but you could also have a few females in there too. So long as you didn't have any floating plants, the other fish would eat them. 
If you wanted to have another something on the bottom, you could go for some apistos. I would just worry about so much competition for space at the bottom.
Yeah I think will deffo add more Cory's especially if I have sand in the tank as they will love!

I'll have a look into the swordtails and chili Rasboras as well. I am very keen on getting aspistos after Ninj told me about them. They are stunning fish!
Apistogramma agasizi or cacatuoides are some of the most common in the apisto world. They are easy to care for in my experience with a fire red apisto pair I bred a few months ago. But be careful with apistos if there are other bottom dwellers like corydras
I will bare that in mind Derp thanks:)
UPDATE!!! I just picked up Krib for free! Just acclimating her now :)
Atti couldn't the pearl gouramis eat the chili rasbora?
Congrats on the free krib! Be sure to post pics C:
That's true. They might do that. Maybe something a bit bigger than those rasboras would be better.
how about red pencilfish? they do look a bit like chili rasboras

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