Help Me Plan My Tank?

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Jul 10, 2005
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I currently have a tank with an L201, 5 corydoras sterbai, and 2 German blue rams in it.  I've had in mind for a while a big shallow tank, 4ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft ish, that I can keep some other L numbers in and a larger shoal of cories (have fallen for Peru gold stripe 
).  As you can see, other than bettas and GBR I am mostly into bottom dwellers.  I need a reasonable sized, striking fish to be in the middle/upper regions of the tank, can anyone suggest something?
Water will be soft-ish, pH 6.5-7, and it needs to not eat my bottom dwellers!  I prefer 1 or 2 individuals rather than a shoal.
how many Gallons is the tank, sorry but in my "Building head" I do TH x W x L
In US gallons, about 67 gallons.  Haven't built it yet, but I have the glass etc ready.  If I could get a really big betta, then that'd be ideal, I love them and have kept them for years, but I think one being the solitary not-bottom-dweller in a 4ft tank is likely to not look quite right...
You could try gourami, Honey and Pearl are two passive species that don't mind being in a small group. A King betta could work, as long as you got a calm one that'd leave the cories alone. If you wanted an oddball, look up African Butterfly Fish. c:
I like Lyra's suggestion of Pearl Gouramis, beautiful fish especially if its a planted tank, and of course there are Angelfish
I wasn't sure if an angelfish would be alright on its own?  I don't want the aggression of mated pairs picking on my corydoras.  Or would 2 or 3 males be alright together?  Ooh, would an angel be alright with German blue rams? 
African butterfly fish might be a bit aggressive, likewise.
Are there other finnages than plakats with the giant trait in bettas?
maybe some discus, preferably 6 discus or so. also like the gourami idea
Angelfish aren't likely to pick on your corydoras IMO. Same with Rams as they both occupy different parts of the tank. I have 4 largish angels (2 pairs) in with 13 corys and 4 Thomasi cichlids which are a similar size to rams. I see no aggression at all between them.
im gonna also suggest african butterflyfish
they mostly keep to themselves, all they do is hang out near surface plants

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You've certainly all given me food for thought, thank you.

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