My sister received a baby betta fish for Christmas. It came with a half gallon fish bowl, food, gravel, and a decoration. The poor thing had been walked to our house in the FREEZING COLD, and was in shock. Luckily it recovered after an hour.
I was able to set up its tank after dechlorinating the water with Stress Coat, which I had for my hermit crabs (I am also on, which is where I heard about this place).
The fish (which was christened Alex) seems happy enough, but keeps on grabbing food, keeping it in its mouth for a few minutes, and then dropping it. Is this normal?
I was able to set up its tank after dechlorinating the water with Stress Coat, which I had for my hermit crabs (I am also on, which is where I heard about this place).
The fish (which was christened Alex) seems happy enough, but keeps on grabbing food, keeping it in its mouth for a few minutes, and then dropping it. Is this normal?