New Member
Hello, My name is Rose and am new to this fish forum. I currently have a 55 gallon tank which I have had for about 8 yrs now. The inhabitants are 3 dwarf neon blue rainbows, 8 harlequin rasboras, 7 neon tetras and 4 bumblebee goby. I have a few questions about the fish, first of all I recently acquired the rasboras (about 2 weeks now) and noticed that some of them are turning a very red/orange color. Is this normal? Never kept these fish before so I am unsure if there is a problem or if they are just males and females mix. My other question pertains to the rainbow fish, also acquired about 2 weeks ago. The small pet store in my town only had 3 so I took them (wanted at least 6), I assume 2 are males, they have the red fins on top and bottom, but the other does not have these fins, could this be a female?? or a different type of rainbow?? The rainbows have been buddying up with the rasboras and run with the pack most of the time. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!!