Hello Everyone!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2014
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Hey Fish lovers,
I've got the fish bug again.  I used to have a 10, 20, 29, 55 and 75 gallon tanks, but this hobby was taking to much time away from my family.  Now that my son is older, I have a lot of free time and decided to get back into this great hobby.  
I'll be cycling my first tank again shortly after I do all my research and catching up.  I've been racking my brain on the website that sells fish, tanks and supplies, but can't remember.  Can anyone tell me what that site is?  Thanks!
There are a ton of websites that sell a bunch of these items.  I think you may be thinking of liveaquaria.com, but there are far more than just that.
Drsfostersmith and bigalspets are others to look at. Welcome back to the hobby :)
Also. there's 'thatpetplace.com', 'wetspottropical.com', and a bunch more.
(drsfostersmith and liveaquaria are the same website, one does the livestock, the other does the supplies.)
I didn't know that, though it seems obvious now. Not sure how I forgot wet spot..as well as bamaplants.
Be sure to post pics of your progress :D
You can check out STinternational.com, too. It's a great company that sells really great Aquarium Supplies!

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