Hello All


New Member
Nov 15, 2016
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Hi guys,

Just thought I would introduce myself to the Forum. I am pretty new to fish keeping having only had my tropical tank for less than half a year. I have recently upgraded my tank from a 40 litre to a Fluval 90 litre tank. It contains a Molly, 2 Male Guppies, 5 Neon Tetras, a Bristlenose Pleco and 2 Scissortail Rasbora's.

I will upload some pictures in due course once I have decorated the tank and get it looking the way I want :)
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Hello, I'm new here as well, have hosted many tanks in my life but have never really known the full scope of the hobby until I started learning after recently getting back into it.

For what it's worth, you should do your Molly and the rest of your tank a favor and trade it in for a few more rasboras. Both types of fish prefer to be in groups with their own kind, but having too many Molly in your tank won't be good, and they will likely try to snake on Guppy fins.

Many people in the hobby are pretty blunt about telling you to do your research before buying fish. They're not wrong...
Hello, I'm new here as well, have hosted many tanks in my life but have never really known the full scope of the hobby until I started learning after recently getting back into it.

For what it's worth, you should do your Molly and the rest of your tank a favor and trade it in for a few more rasboras. Both types of fish prefer to be in groups with their own kind, but having too many Molly in your tank won't be good, and they will likely try to snake on Guppy fins.

Many people in the hobby are pretty blunt about telling you to do your research before buying fish. They're not wrong...

Hi budified, the first fish I purchased to start my tank was 2 mollies but one sadly passed away a few months back. I understand they like a little salt in the water but could not change the water conditions for one fish. My molly does seem pretty calm but a little lonely as the other fish group together. Due to it being one of my original fish from my first tank I don't think I could part with him.
Hello Tropical - welcome.... don't wait to post pics of your tank when it's "done", post them now and then you can document your progress.

There's a ton of satisfaction seeing the progress of growth, development and progression of your aquariums and others would enjoy the updates.

Forum threads on tank progression are really cool, again welcome.

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