Hello everyone. Names Ben and i currently have 3 tanks setup. I have two, 5 gallons with a sponge filter setup. Each containing a male Betta, one is a Crowntail the other is a Halfmoon. They still have a gravel base and I plan to change it to sand so i can put in more live plants.
I also have a 20gal community, sand base that contains 5 neon tetras, 1 tri-banded sumo loach and 4 Paleatus Corydoras(peppered cory) catfish. Im in the process of adding live plants to it currently. Ive been researching and am buying from Petco this coming weekend to get started. Im adding amazon swords, anubias, jungle val and a marimo ball or two for them to lounge on.
I also have 46 gallon bowfront in storage that will replace the 20 gallon once room allows me to set it up
I also have a 20gal community, sand base that contains 5 neon tetras, 1 tri-banded sumo loach and 4 Paleatus Corydoras(peppered cory) catfish. Im in the process of adding live plants to it currently. Ive been researching and am buying from Petco this coming weekend to get started. Im adding amazon swords, anubias, jungle val and a marimo ball or two for them to lounge on.
I also have 46 gallon bowfront in storage that will replace the 20 gallon once room allows me to set it up