Having Trouble With Macronutrients


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I am planning on getting CO2 systems for 1 of my 3 tanks. I am trying liquid CO2 on the second and the other is a 5 gal where I won't bother with either...
I use API liquid ferts in all three tanks so I'm assuming micro nutrients are fine. But as I've been reading I find that I don't have any significant sources of Potassium, Nitrogen or Phosphorous K,N&P in my tanks. 
Is there a liquid or tabs out there that I can buy that would have all three or a combination of some sort of them? I checked my lfs but I couldn't really find anything, they all mentioned iron and manganese and what not but I already have such stuff in my liquid ferts. 
Seachem sells Flourish Nitrogen, Flourish Potassium and Flourish Phosphorus.  Or, you could buy dry ferts and mix them...
Try the internet - if you buy enough stuff, usually the shipping costs are minimized and you'll actually save money.  Some places even offer free shipping over a certain amount spent.
I don't know if I'd be comfortable adding dry ferts.. And as for the Flourish, why cant it all be in one? I don't want to have to dose from three different bottles :p But I would rather use SeaChem, as I know the brand, then some offshot from the interweb. Perhaps I'll look it up :)
I've not found a "all-in-one".  As a terrestrial gardener, it makes sense... the plants need different nutrients in different parts of their life cycle (thinking specifically about veggies)...
I don't know that aquarium plants have that issue, but there has to be a reason that they don't really sell them as an all-in-one.  I just don't know what the reason is...
I've never used dry ferts myself, but if you are going to go "all in" with ferts, then it is cheaper in the long run.
Dry ferts are the way to go if seriuos about live plants ...
just bought 2lbs KNO3 1lb KH2PO4 and lb of trace for $45 including shipping
best choice i did as will save me huge $$$$
I'm thinking there isn't an all in one solution because if such a product may possibly be toxic or perhaps be rather explosive. (As I've read fertilizers can be some times).
I'm thinking about looking into substrates, as I really don't feel like dealing with dosing from different places in different amounts and such....
I am interested in the plant aspect of the hobby, but to be honest it's turning into more of a challenge than I was really up for. As it is I don't like to spend my money very much. Some of my plants, the Rotala, Horn wart, and Java Moss, are doing fine with just the ferts I dose weekly. Why My Amazon Swords, Java Fern and Vallisneria are all doing poorly. (While my Anuibas plants aren't growing, they aren't melting either... )Perhaps I'll take them out and just go hit and miss with whatever other plants I happen to buy. 
The amount your paying for "ready mixed" ferts will be way more than ordering dry ferts.
Spent $45 on dry ferts and should last me 9months to a year. and im dosing for an 180gallon tank.
I assuming its your 30gallon tank you want to go with plants. 30gal and quantity of ferts i got would last 2 1/2 yrs or more.
so $45 for 2 years or $$$$ for same time span. your choice but dry ferts way to go if want to save $$$$.
Well I went online and I've found that I can get 3 pack of SeaChem products (a 100 ml bottle of each Potassium, Phospherous and Nitrogen) for a decent price. (That being said I still don't want have to dose everything twice weekly, a dry fertilizer sounds much easier, though I know less about dry fert's than the liquid ones I've been looking into) - is there a particular company you ordered from, and how do you plan/how have you mixed such fert's into your tank? (Not having to worry for 2.5ish years sounds wonderful! :) )

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