Having To Move My Tanks So Having A Rethink


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2012
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Ok so at the moment I'm having to shuffle some Tanks around to make space for a new bed and redecorating so while I'm doing this I want to know a few things but dont want to start lots of different threads so I'm gonna ask a couple of questions here . And hope someone can help me out .

These are the tanks I have right now

22 gallon - 3 adult platys and 7 rasboras . Baby fry platys about 20
12 gallon - 5 black widow tetras

I have also began to set up another tank purely for the fry from the 22 gallon to go Into . As my little girls wants to keep some so will be moving them over in a few weeks once this tank 10 gallon (pentagon shape )is set up .

So to my questions

Once the fry are moved from the 22 gallon. Will I have room to add any more fish . I'm looking for something that in future will deal with any fry that may come as the platys nor harlequins are bothering with fry :/ so will be over run before long .

Is the 12 gallon suitable for 5 widow tetras . Would you add anything / take anything out ?

In the 22 gallon with the three platys I have three live plants (no idea what they are LFS gave them to me for free when I bought the platys and said put these in they will help them . They're red and green and have a weight at the bottom . The trouble is the platys have shredded them to bits . Should I remove them ? Leave them . Prune them or what ...I'm unsure I've only ever had plastic before

Thanks in advance
Question #!1: depends on how many fry you want to keep and/or survive.  Assuming they survive I wouldn't keep more than 6 of them full grown in the 10g tank. 
Question #2: I would keep the tetras as is but you could probly get away with adding in one or two more fish
Question #3: depends on the plants I don't have a lot of experience with plants but if they have the weight at the bottom I would remove that if they have a root system set already.  The weights are really only there to keep the plants from floating till the roots can grow. After that they jus impede the plants ability to grow.  After that it depends on if the plant needs CO2 or not to help keep the growth up with the platys consumption of the plant.  Another thing to consider is your lighting. The average stock bulb for your aquarium may not provide the light your plant needs.  Overall find out what plant you have and then research what it needs. If you post pics people can help you id your plant.  Best of luck with moving things around
Thankyou barbarian I'm planning on only keeping a couple of fry . I have a few takers for the rest once they mature enough.

The tetras seem happy so will leave them as is . Although I am going to change their substrate it's pink (daughters) they're not keen and nor am I .

As for the plant I have attached an image and hope someone can I'd it . I asked wether the weight should be removed at the store they said no but will look into that

Thankyou for your reply .

Only other thing now is once the fry are out I'm looking to add a centrepiece fish to the 22 gallon any suggestions that are compatible with platys and rasboras .


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