Has Anyone Kept These...

Colonel Dibble

Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2012
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I am looking to get Threadfin Rainbows, and I want some opinions and some personal experiences.
I know they are not amazingly colourful, do you think they will look good in a planted tank?
Also, what are they like, are they active, do they display a lot etc.
Please let me know, thanks!
I recently got a school of ten and they have not disapointed me. They are a little shy but that could be down to their source (most likely pond bred) and the fact that they are in my car shed. But sit down infront of their tank and it doesn't take long for them to come back out of the plant life and start carrying on displaying etc.
Ahh okay, sounds great, I am most likely going to get 20-18.
What are there colours like?
Personally I love the colours on their fins! Lovely purples, pinks and I think kind of yellow... and their little silver bodies.
Found them to be fairly shy and very peacefully, love good flow (generally top of the tank) and are really quite active in the right tank, males spend a lot of time sparring and displaying with each other, don't keep with anything aggressive or you wont see them. And angel fish just gobble them right up <.<
Hmm okay, I was thinking of keeping these with two Pearl Gouramis and some kuhli loaches. sound good?
Pearl gouramis are like little lambs lol. They will be fine.
They do have beautiful colours in their dorsal fins on the males. And they do develop faint bluish bars on their sides.  Mine do like playing in the flow from the HOB filter and really enjoy the thick tangle of plant life up the other end of their tank.
Here is a bit of a video of my group. Sorry about the noise of the lawn mower in the back ground, summer + rain + humidity makes for lots of grass.
The flashing of the front dorsal fin is typical behaviour when females are around.
They are pretty great fish! My cousin and I shared a well planted tank! Its really a great addition
I like them, they're not overly colourful, but they're still nice.

Tek oot.

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