Has Anyone Had Any Dealings With Seapets


New Member
Feb 24, 2013
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I am looking at buying a tank from seapets.co.uk. I wondered if any of you out there have bought from them and how you found them (delivery/service etc)
Yeah I got a marina 160 from them with the cabinet, the tank came in about 3 working days and they ring you the day before to make sure you are going to be in. If you order everything you need at once (filters etc.) I think it comes at the same time as the tank, but if you order it separately don't expect the delivery to be prompt, I once waited 5 weeks for 3kg of gravel to turn up by which time I had gone to the pet shop and got some anyway.
If you just want a tank they are great and cheaper than anywhere else which is always a plus.
I have and I can't complain. They even replaced a tank light that failed eventually with not too much hassle besides me sending the old one back.
Thanks for the feedback, I have found the tank I want and they are doing a special offer, but then I read some reviews and either someone has got peed off with them and is putting a load of bad reviews (seems a bit clustered together and out of character) or they really were not as great as they sounded.
Nice to know they are as good as I originally thought they would be. 
Looking to get a Fluval 180
I have recently actually.
Got into an email conversation with a chap called Iain there who was giving me some helpful advice on tanks.
I wouldn't have any worries about ordering off them.
i just ordered my Fluval from Complete Aquatics, also very helpful, as they offered a free heater but otherwise would have happily ordered off Seapets.

Iwantsomefish said:
I have recently actually.
Got into an email conversation with a chap called Iain there who was giving me some helpful advice on tanks.
I wouldn't have any worries about ordering off them.
i just ordered my Fluval from Complete Aquatics, also very helpful, as they offered a free heater but otherwise would have happily ordered off Seapets.
Also SeaPets offer cashback via the cashback websites so you save £5/£10 effectively.
Top quality service good turn around time on deliveries 
Yeah they are fine. Just be sure that what ever you buy from there, you need to make sure that it says 'in stock' rather than 'usually ships in 2-3 days," as I ordered a bunch of little stuff from them, and i didn't notice that the Prime said that next to it. I got my stuff almost 2 weeks later!!! I also ordered some vallis from them once and it was really really awful when it arrived. I was really surprised as the plants are supposedly Tropica, and supposed to be really good, but they were brown rubbish really. I ordered a bunch from a seller on eBay later and they were amazing. Now I just get all of my plants from Aqua Essentials because they are always perfect. So, I would buy stuff from Seapets again, but only making sure that it is in stock and probably not plants, just because I had a not so good experience with the vallis (and the plants aren't cheap.)
I've ordered two tanks from seapets. One in 2011 and the other last year. On both cases fastest delivery i've ever seen. 
They will call to confirm you are home.
On the first tank one of the T8 light bulbs was not working so i called them and the day after they delivered a replacement no questions asked.
Five star service for me.

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