Half Gravel Half Sand?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2013
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Hi all, I have recently purchased a 4foot tank (320litre) I already own a 90litre 2foot tank with 6 cherry barbs, 6 danios , and 4 ottos in it. I am going to rehome these in the big tank when it is cycled and I am planning on adding a RTBS and possibly an Angel as well as increasing my cherry population. But my question is this, has anybody got a half and half substrate, I was going to try and aqua scape my tank so I have half black sand with live plants and half gravel with rocks / caves etc ?
I've found that overtime the sand mixes with the gravel and ends up looking really awful. I'd just stick to one rather than too and avoid the mess later on :p
Whats a RTBS? 
Also, Barbs and angels don't work, Barbs will tear and rip at the angels large fins, Just a suggestion.
if you mean "this half is going to be sand, and this half is going to be gravel" it won't work, it will just intermix, I do have a sand and gravel mix myself and the sand goes to the bottom and the gravel sits on the top, I actually need to remove some of the gravel cause that's all I see and I want to be able to see the nice black sand.  (should probably add some more as well) just keep that in mind!
techen said:
Whats a RTBS?
Red tailed black shark

Also, Barbs and angels don't work, Barbs will tear and rip at the angels large fins, Just a suggestion.
You're confusing your barbs! It's really only tiger barbs that are nippy. Cherry barbs are very peaceful.

OP, I would definitely go with all sand, if you're going to have it. As the other posters have said, they'll just mix up and all the sand will end up on the bottom.
Cherry barbs won't go anywhere near an Angel, very quiet fish. Thanks for advice on sand though guys, I was going to try and create a mini 'wall' with a bit of glass and silicone that would divide the 2 but I don't want it to look rubbish over time. I saw it on an aqua scaping video and it looked awesome but wasn't sure how it would look in the long run.
when you put it that way it could work out.... a small retaining wall of plexiglass in the center, maybe only a smidge higher than your sand and gravel to keep it from mixing might very well keep everything where you want it.  And not be too obtrusive and detract from your tank.  Especially if you line it with "hedges" after. Might not even notice it's there.

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