Fish Fanatic
I have some hair algae on my plants and had hair algae on my driftwood. I took the driftwood out and soaked it for a few minutes in a strong solution of tank water with overdosed flourish excel. A few days later the hair algae on the log is red and dying. I have been overdosing the tank 3x recommended dose of flourish excel for 7 days now to try and kill the hair algae on the plants. I'm not really seeing any results on the plants and even a slight increase in some of the hair algae growth. I am wondering if I can remove the plants and dip them in a bucket with strong excel solution for a few minutes as I did the wood to kill this stuff. Any idea's? I don't have a ton of plants just some swoards, jungle val, crypts and java moss.
I have reduced the lighting from 7-8hrs daily to 5hrs.
I have reduced the lighting from 7-8hrs daily to 5hrs.