Haha! Surprise!


Mostly New Member
Dec 27, 2013
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well I woke up to a surprise!!!! At first shock then panick..fallowed by HOLY COW WHAT THE.... WHAT DO I DO !!!!

So a week ago I thought id try getting my german blue rams to at least pair up maybe mate. Heat up extra protien. Just hoping to coax them along (not expecting really I nursed her from brink of death soon after we got her.) And I thought it was working. They swam togeather. Both were in full sparkling blue guarding a corner and being chummy.

I woke this morning and fed my fishies and chatted them up when I relized omg we have eggs!!!!! On the filter tube!!!!! I was ecstatic. Then I saw the angels eat one. And I freak out dont know what to do. Im like. Do I take angels out...do I take filter tube and put in quarntine...what what.

Then I see the rams are back to hating each other and the angels are GUARDING the eggs........WE HAVE ANGEL BABIES!!!! HOW??? REALLY???? .....WHAT DO I DOAAAAAAHHH!!! I wasnt expecting it and have done very little reading. Hubby was 100% sure both male. I had a hunch but never sure. Until today. But now im worried they will eat them all. Thismorning there was white and clear. Now there is just clear and fewer and fewer. *sad face. Do you think first time oops. Will they do it again?


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Usually their first time they arent very good at it and eat them after, or theyre are stressed about other tank mates so they eat them so they dont get to. This what i observed with my angels back when i had them anyway.

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