New Member
My 60 gallon aquarium is stocked with 5 male fancy guppies. The fish have coexisted in amity for about three weeks. Three days ago, the smallest guppy began to harass (fin nipping, chasing) a considerably larger guppy. I'm in the process of aquascaping so I decided to wait until I introduced some hiding places before I resorted to isolating the bully. After adding plenty of decor including driftwood and live plants, the bullying has not abated. Upon observing some particularly viscous attempts to nip at the victim guppy, I isolated the bully guppy by placing him in a small plastic vessel that I perforated.
The victim guppy now spends most of his time laying on the substrate. His caudal fin is torn up and his slime coat has significantly diminished in its shine. Now another guppy seems to occasionally nip at the victim guppy though I'm really not quite sure if this guppy is aggressively attacking as the bully was . This guppy seems to just follow the victim guppy about without much contact but sometimes appears to finnip/headbutt.
Could the victim guppy be sick and the others attempting to kill off the host of an infectious disease? I know nothing of guppy defense mechanisms.
I've noticed the victim guppy is considerably duller than the rest of the stock. Could my LFS have misidentified a female for a male?
Thank you fishfourms community,
My 60 gallon aquarium is stocked with 5 male fancy guppies. The fish have coexisted in amity for about three weeks. Three days ago, the smallest guppy began to harass (fin nipping, chasing) a considerably larger guppy. I'm in the process of aquascaping so I decided to wait until I introduced some hiding places before I resorted to isolating the bully. After adding plenty of decor including driftwood and live plants, the bullying has not abated. Upon observing some particularly viscous attempts to nip at the victim guppy, I isolated the bully guppy by placing him in a small plastic vessel that I perforated.
The victim guppy now spends most of his time laying on the substrate. His caudal fin is torn up and his slime coat has significantly diminished in its shine. Now another guppy seems to occasionally nip at the victim guppy though I'm really not quite sure if this guppy is aggressively attacking as the bully was . This guppy seems to just follow the victim guppy about without much contact but sometimes appears to finnip/headbutt.
Could the victim guppy be sick and the others attempting to kill off the host of an infectious disease? I know nothing of guppy defense mechanisms.
I've noticed the victim guppy is considerably duller than the rest of the stock. Could my LFS have misidentified a female for a male?
Thank you fishfourms community,

