Guppy And Molly Fry

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 1, 2009
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I've got a molly im pretty certain is pregnant as her belly seems to be growing and i've def got 2 guppy's that are to.
Just wondering when to swap them over to the tank we have waiting for them  to "drop" in?
As late as possible. As soon as they start to square off, that's the final stages :)
For the guppies you will see a dark spot appear around her back end, this is called a gravid spot, when this becomes really dark it is a sign that she is about to give birth, you can google image it just so you know what you are looking for ;-)
As for the mollies I find that they will become reclusive and hide in a plant or in a cave, if you were going to move the mother move the cave too because she will feel more comfortable there.
Hope this helps ;-)
Good luck
You want to watch for them 'squaring off'; once that happens, they usually give birth in the next day or so.
Have a look at the first few pics here; ;that'll show you what a squared off fish looks like
Ok thanks, i know about guppies and their gravid spot - 2 have an obvious one and the other two have a pale one.
My molly is jet black so no gravid spot on her i'm guessing she will get a huge belly like guppies do?
I can't really see from the thread as the pics are too small.
Oh, ok, sorry about that (loads of our pinned topics need overhauling; we're working on it!)
Forget about the gravid spot; that's really no help at all.
All livebearer females will get very fat (although young females won't get as big as older, mature females) and in the day or two before birth, their bellies develop distinct 'corners', especially at the front.
It's difficult to recognise when you haven't seen it before, but you soon will :)
Ok thanks i'll keep an eye on them and if i think it could be in the next day or so i'll move them over to the spare tank
Well the molly and 2 largest guppies have been moved over to spare tank as molly looks very fat and sorta squareish and the guppies look fat, roughly 3 days now and no babies :( 
The tank is in a room where we don't go in alot so they shouldn't be overly stressed and gets plenty of natural sunlight (tank's not in direct light i might add) bare bottom and few moss balls in and a filter of course :D, Is there anything missing?

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