Guess The Species - Quiz


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2013
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I will do one of these every week. I will post 10 photos of different species of tropical fish. Whoever gets the most correct, gets to pick some species for the following week's quiz.
Ok, so here are this weeks:










Good luck 
1: red tailed shark
2: Betta
3: cherry shrimp
4: discus
5: opaline? Gourami
6: tiger barb
7: yoyo? Loach
8: royal plec? Or common plec?
9: red platy
10: unsure of this one. Rice fish maybe?
Totally going to show myself up now.
1) Red tail black shark
2) Betta Falx ?
3) Red Cherry Shrimp
4) Discus
5) Honey Gourami
6) Tiger Barb
7) Polkadot loach
8) I hate id-ing plecs. Sailfin?
9) Platy
10) Scarlet badis
1) Ruby/Rainbow Shatk
2) Betta
3) Red Cherry Shrimp
4) Discus
5) Golden Gourami
6) Tiger Barb
7) Polkadot loach
8) Sailfin/Common Plec
9) Platy
10) Scarlet Badis
I'll get beaten mercilessly but I'll have a go anyway!
1) Red tailed shark
2) Half moon betta
3) Red cherry shrimp
4) Discus
5) Opaline Gourami
6) Tiger barb
7) Polka dot loach
8) Common pleco
9) Red comet platy
10) This one I had no idea - but I think I want one! :lol:
1: A fish
2. A fish
3. A crustacean 
4. A fish
5. A fish
6.A fish
7. 2 fish's
8. A fish
9. A fish
10.A fish
I got them all right :)
1. Rainbow Shark
2. Betta Simplex?
3. Red Cherry Shrimp
4. Discus
5. Gold Gourami
6. Tiger Barb
7. Botia loach
8. Marble sailfin?
9. Platy
10. Scarlet Badis
Great idea, but one thing - Maybe rename all the pictures BEFORE posting them... You simply have to click on them and see what they are named for the answers :p
How about scientific family names? :p
1. Shark
2. Betta
3. Shrimp
4. Discus
5. Gourami
6. Barb
7. Loach
8. Pleco
9. Platy
10. Badis
Metka said:
Great idea, but one thing - Maybe rename all the pictures BEFORE posting them... You simply have to click on them and see what they are named for the answers
:rofl: haha nice catch!
Metka, I've made a chatter thread so pretty please could you keep all comments in that. Thank you x
Keep going guys! The quiz will end tomorrow and a winner will be announce!
Eerm, the quiz has only been running 2 days... Not a week. :huh:
Maybe I read the rules wrong. I have a tendency to do that sometimes. ;)

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