Greetz From A Long Time Absentee...


Mostly New Member
Jul 24, 2014
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GB the tropical fish hobby. I'm just rekindling my interest right now with a new Aqua Nano 22L and stand that I'm trying (!) to put togther.
Last time I had freshwater tropicals, powerheads and undergravel filtration were the way to go. I 'invented' for myself the type of gravel cleaner I now see selling in aquarists. Hell I should have patented that! I'd have at least... £2.50 by now. I see so many filtration systems now and, of more my interest to myself, the range of mosses and nano-type botanicals. Really want a nicely comforting look to the nano - soft, delicate, gentle looking.
My fave fish were a Keyhole cichlid and a male Betta splendens. I'm likely going to want a Betta above all others but also the shrimp (altho I had one back in the day) and nano crabs look interesting as cleaners.
Anyway enough blah.
Likely bump into you on the forums.
Bubbles x
to TFF, Bubbles!
Hope you enjoy picking up this hobby again!
There're lots of friendly helpful people on here who are very willing to give their time, experience and advice.
Hope you enjoy it!

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