Green Water, Blackout Pending


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2012
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I have a moderately planted tank with a major green water problem. Have been searching the web and apparently a blackout is my best chance. I'm worried that a blackout might kill my plants and would appreciate any words of wisdom. I'm not sure what plants I have apart from java moss and crypts. I have cut my light to 7 hours and have started using the venturi on the filter for added air.
Ammonia is often the main cause with green water. There may have been an ammonia spike or an imbalance of nutrients and/or low CO2 levels.

Using the aeration on the filter won't help matters as it will gas of any CO2.

3-5 day blackout followed by large water change might help.
Ammonia is often the main cause with green water. There may have been an ammonia spike or an imbalance of nutrients and/or low CO2 levels.

Using the aeration on the filter won't help matters as it will gas of any CO2.

3-5 day blackout followed by large water change might help.
What about the plants, Will they survive that long without light?

I don't use co2. The problem appeared after I stopped using the venturi and switch subtrate to sand. Another thing that's confusing me is that before the green water my plants did'nt look that great, I was having trouble with diatoms. Now that the water is green my plants
are a lot greener with no brown marks.

Done a 20% water change and the cover is on.
Plants and fish will be fine for 5 days mate, even if you don't dose CO2 the plants still need it to photo synthesise and its in tap water, adding O2 to the water causes it to gas off.
I really hate not being able to see my fish.
Plants and fish will be fine for 5 days mate, even if you don't dose CO2 the plants still need it to photo synthesise and its in tap water, adding O2 to the water causes it to gas off.
5 day blackout finished and water change done. There is a big improvement but its still bad looking. Can I launch into another blackout straight away or leave it for a while.
I'd leave it for short while first.
Try and get hold of a potable in tank UV filter, this is the ONLY sure fire way to fully eradicate the problem, blackout often just masks the problem for a couple of weeks/months then it returns... UV will actually clear it in a matter of days and usually it stays away, if not redo the UV thing a couple more times.... best of all, you can always see in your tank at the same time

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