Gourami Losing Balance

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New Member
Apr 22, 2012
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My dwarf gourami seems like it's suddenly lost balance and is lying at the bottom of the tank, lying on it's side as if it's lost balance.
I've put him in a tupperware held up by pegs to the side of the tank to quarantine until morning, in case it's infectious. I think it's swim bladder disease, but can't think of the cause??

Tank size: 60l (about 15gallon I think)
pH: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 25
kH: Don't know
gH: Don't know
tank temp: 27

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
He's lyng at the bottom of the tank, on his side at a 30ish degree angle. I don't see any lesions, or change in colour. He swims to the top of the tank when I put my hand in as if he's looking for food. I've put him in his small 'quarantine tank' with a piece of pea but he's not interested.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
water change every week, about 20%...never did one this weekend, so it's been about a week and a half.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
None that I know of, other than plant fertiliser (Excel and comprehensive from Seachem)

Tank inhabitants:
Another dwarf gourami, 2 baby mollies, 4 sterbai corys and a common plec.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The gourami's are new inhabitants themselves (2 weeks ago).

Exposure to chemicals: None that I know of

I have live plants as well as bogwood for the plec.

Does anyone have any ideas??? What can I do to treat this? If need be I'll get a medical tank set up, but that's only possible tomorrow evening (in about 16 hours)...any help would be very appreciated!
An update this morning: He's still alive and I think it's definitely swim bladder. When I opened the lid he swam like crazy, in circles and all over the place...not nice to see!! :sad:

After work today I'll buy a small tank and set it up as a hospital tank. I have no idea what could be causing it though!!

If I dose with antibiotics without knowing for sure if it's definitely a bacterial infection, would that be ok? I don't want to make him more sick :( Maybe I can use the meds to rule out all the possibilities....like a Fish Doctor House :cool:

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