Good Morning! Im New!


Mostly New Member
Dec 27, 2013
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Hey everyone!! im kitty and im brand new to the forums and well to fish to i guess.  though im pretty sure i will have lots of experince soon!!  we currently have 4 tanks in our house. 
1 is set up!!!  its our daughers a 46g bow front!!  We started it back in sept for cycling and put fish in on her birthday end of oct!! its going great! except the fix i picked...a opaline grourami (darn bully)  We also have 2 koi angels 6 glo fish 2 ottos a snail and 2 german blue rams (one is thriving the other not so much..will ask about that later) 
The second one is a quarintine tank and later will be a breeder tank. We want to breed angels and rams.   But right now i dont think we will be able to do the rams.
The third is a start of a aquascape.  My husband has a LONG 55g he is turing into a beautiful piece.  He only has the soil and wood in it right now. he is collecting the plants right now so no water in it  yet (taking lots of itme and planning it out!!)  and has his fish list mostly pigmy corys and other bottom ones with an angel or two.  he offered to let me put an eel in there instead of his fish but i gave him the your a dummy look. an eel would just unearth everythink while it digs in the soil.
The forth tank..well its my tank...and right now it only has 2 inches of "live" sand in it.  I thought about starting the cycling so confused on what to do on my tank.  the day i got the sand and was gonna set up i was thinking brackish and slowly transition to marine.  I had wanted to do 2 puffers and 2 knight gobys with a possible black sail fin molly. 
Only we had stopped at a local (not name brand) pet store where we have been going for years and the very experinced (i thought)  fish guy talked me out of what i wanted.   He said night gobys would get up to 36 inches!!  and that the puffers would never work. (i wanted to cry i love puffers always wanted them)   He also said i would grow to hate brackish and that i should just do salt....but that SCARES ME!! especially when he started talking about a (5th) second tank attached to mine and sump pumps ... 0.o  whaaat.......  He also said my 30 gal wouldnt do well for reef tank to many veriables but i might beable to do just fish and live rock.  So now i dont know what to do.  I love taking care of all the tanks. water changes, testing the waters, cleaning them.  feeding the fish.  I think my daughers fish are BORING!!!  
I love eels (especially snow flake and fire eel), puffers, gobys,  demisoni (sp?) cichlids and few other cichlids, like   rope fish and also love star fish and lobsters LOL.  I only have my 30g and dont really want to upgrade due to my daughers and husbands HUGE tanks (no room for bigger one for me).  i also dont want this hugw tank for just one fish..look really empty.  i really dont know what to do.  i wanted a tank on my desk but it seams like what i want work at al!! so im hoping to look around do even more research and hopfully get ideas and insight from you!!
p.s. im a horrible typist..even worst speller and iv got a 7 month out fighting in my arms excuse the rushed typing.  and feel free to ask me anything.
Daughters tank


  • 20131228_14064733.jpg
    52.6 KB · Views: 77
Welcome to the forum. Lets start by having you post your full stocking list on your current bowfront and see if we can help!

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