Good Fish For Apartment Living?


Mostly New Member
Aug 1, 2013
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Hey! So the only apartment I could afford to live in near my college doesn't allow pets like cats, rodents, or rabbits. I've always had dogs, so I'm really doing to miss having a non-human companion.
I have several celestial pearl danios and albino cory cats in a 10 gallon tank, but I'd really like a more intelligent aquatic pet that doesn't just hide from me or ignore me whenever I come bopping into the room. I can't get a tank over 20 gallons; another 10 gallon would be more ideal. Can anyone help me out here? I'm willing to accept that I just can't find a fishy friend that will ever take the place of a legit pet, but I'd like to ask some people with a bit more experience first.
How hard or soft is your water? That would help advise on specific species.

You wouldn't go wrong with a betta; very friendly, people orientated fish.

If you don't fancy that, maybe a pair or trio of dwarf cichlids, like apistogrammas (lots of different species in that family), Bolivian rams, checkerboard cichlids.
you could get  a honey gourami which is related to bettas there very beutiful fish that are non agressive
They're not very 'friendly' though, IME.
Well, I live 100 miles from the apt right now, so I can't exactly run up and test the water. ;) I've heard it described as "hard", though. Which probably is no help, since I can't give you any numbers.
To be honest, I had a betta once upon a time. I kept the poor dude in a 2 gallon tank (wasn't much into fish keeping back then), so he only lived 4 years. But yeah, though he had personality, he wasn't very friendly... Homicidal would be a better word for his "personality". I'll think about it. I've seen some pretty ones out there lately.
yea many variations and types there are some "social" ones too that wont kill their tankmates but i dont know.
I have a 10 gallon in my apartment with a couple guppies and a couple platies. I absolutely love them! Not very people oriented but theirvery active and fun to watch. Their is certainly a lot of activity and playful behaviour in my tank!
I agree with a betta.  I have a betta who I can hand feed! I've never had a betta who didn't swim up to the glass as I walked by.  
Betta was the first fish that came to mind. They are very interactive. Mine always would come over to the glass when I would walk in and was more than happy to take worms from my hand. A 10 gallon tank would be great for it and would allow you to have a few nice plants for him to sleep on.
A single Betta would do great in a 10 gallon. You could even add some Pygmy Cories which are small, active fish.
Thanks for the advice! What else could I keep in a tank with a betta? Are pygmy cories the best option? I wouldn't want the poor guy to get picked on or get in a fight. :)
Pygmy corys would be the best option IMO, you could have six. There are different species but I can't remember them sorry.
You could have 3-5 Otocinclus catfish, they clean the algae and are super cute. They need to go in an established tank though.
maybe a claw frog..from what ive seen they seem to like people..and its fun to watch them eat. one can live  in a 10 gallon. they get about the size of someones palm,from my understanding..they will eat anything that fits in their mouths so best to have them alone.
Dwarf puffers are quite intelligent little creatures u could fit 5 or 6 in and they're super fun to watch them pick at and eat snails which i may add are picky eaters and wont pay much notice to flake or pellet foods.
Oh and also to add despite being picky eaters they would have to be in a species only tank as they'd pretty much kill of anything else u put in!!
Oh n to answer ur betta question shrimp are good! U can get dome amazing varieties on eBay like blue Pearl yellow black etc! Although depending on the fish he may have a nibble or simply leave them alone depends on the fish!

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