I am new to this Tropical Fish forum. I hope I am writing in the right place. Well, I have officially set up my first Fantail Goldfish tank. I have had previous tropical tanks separately filled with cichlids, catfish, bluegill, molly, tetra, betta, guppies, etc. My boyfriend and I have had this tank set up for three weeks now. It is filled with large soft rounded gravel and rocks with a short weed decor in the center. I have been reading up a little more about live plants. Live plants would help with the tank clarity and the general happiness of the goldfish and our one mystery snail. Not to mention a snack to nibble on. I was worried with the goldfish being beautiful "glutenous" fish, they just might eat these plants before they have a chance to thrive. Or the ammonia (even with the levels being maintained) would be just to harmful for these plants. I did not buy these plants from the store. I have hand picked them from our pond. I filled a quarter of a gallon water jug of the goldfish tank water and a few splashes of the pond water with the hand picked plants into the water jug. I am just observing the plants for a couple days to a week to see if they will grow with the tank water. I am also worried about possible parasites or harmful bacteria that I may be adding to my tank. I am hoping some of you will help me with some much needed advice.