Goldfish & Live Plants


New Member
Dec 22, 2013
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Hi everyone!

     I am new to this Tropical Fish forum. I hope I am writing in the right place. Well, I have officially set up my first Fantail Goldfish tank. I have had previous tropical tanks separately filled with cichlids, catfish, bluegill, molly, tetra, betta, guppies, etc. My boyfriend and I have had this tank set up for three weeks now. It is filled with large soft rounded gravel and rocks with a short weed decor in the center. I have been reading up a little more about live plants. Live plants would help with the tank clarity and the general happiness of the goldfish and our one mystery snail. Not to mention a snack to nibble on. I was worried with the goldfish being beautiful "glutenous" fish, they just might eat these plants before they have a chance to thrive. Or the ammonia (even with the levels being maintained) would be just to harmful for these plants. I did not buy these plants from the store. I have hand picked them from our pond. I filled a quarter of a gallon water jug of the goldfish tank water and a few splashes of the pond water with the hand picked plants into the water jug. I am just observing the plants for a couple days to a week to see if they will grow with the tank water. I am also worried about possible parasites or harmful bacteria that I may be adding to my tank. I am hoping some of you will help me with some much needed advice. 


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to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here.
Do you have a light over the plants that you're testing out? I imagine they'd be fine in your water but without light they may not grow.
I'm not sure what sort of parasites could be on them, is it just a random pond you have or do you maintain it? If there is fish in it, are they healthy? Also if there are fish in the pond, what are they?
Sorry am not super experienced with plants or ponds. 

What size tank is that and how many goldies are in it? I am counting 5. If you can give us your water parameters someone should hopefully be able to tell you when you should be changing the water.
Are you aware that fancy goldfish like these need 30g for the first fish and then 15g for each additional one? So if you have 5 that means you'd want a 90g.
Sorry if I am coming off harsh at all, I don't mean to be. I just wanted to make sure you know the needs of your fish.
First off, you are not too harsh at all! :) This is why I reached out for some help and advice from more experienced fish lovers.
1) There is a Fluorescent light over the 2) 15gallon tank.  3) The tank is new and was cloudy for that picture. So I take out 2gallons of the tank water and exchange it with new water. I have Top Fin Tap Water Dechlorinator for the new water being exchanged to replace the old tank water. I recently discovered the tank was filled a little too high. With that being said the water line is about two inches from the lid frame. This allows extra bubbles the fish love (from what I observed). Purchased Top Fin Bacteria Supplement which is added about 15-20 minutes after the tap water was added to the tank.
4) The pond I had taken the plants from, I am assuming is treated. It is a local pond in our neighborhood. There are loads of fish, ducks, and possibly a gator? Being this is Florida, alligators are everywhere and travel to and from any lake or pond. Although, if there is one spotted in the large pond then some one must call it in and have it relocated. Fish in pond: bass, guppies, catfish, etc.
It has been three days now I have kept the plants in the water jug. The plants are growing upward about an inch.

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