Gold Barb Disappeared?


Jun 9, 2012
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I count my fish everyday. I'm not sure however, if all 10 were accounted for during feeding today.
Shortly after feeding, I found that 1 of the gold barbs was missing. I have a 10 gallon tank with 5 red platys and 5 gold barbs (well.. 4 now)

Not sure where she could possibly be, she's one of the larger gold barbs and it would be impossible for any other fish to eat her. She's not in the filter (couldn't be there anyway but..) and I also checked all the decorations and she's nowhere!

Could she really have died and gotten eaten or something? :( my water parameters are normal, 0 amm 0 nitrite 5-10 nitrate

it probably jumped out look about the room and look for the body

sorry to say its gonna be dead :good: :rip:
I had no clue gold barbs were jumpers...

Yes, most likely. Some fish can jump a great height and escape without you even knowing it. I don't think the other fish had eaten her. If you look for her around the room and can't find her, I don't know what else to tell ya. :/

By the way, I think your tank is a little overstocked... platys are only about 3 inches big, but 3x5 is 15.
I would upgrade it to at least a 20. :good: That's just me. :)
Well I have a lid, but nope I don't see any body. :S

And yeah, I didn't know when I first got them that they needed more space.
Sorry to hear about your fish :( I hope you manage to find her soon. It's always a mystery when they suddenly disappear without a trace :S
Oh gosh, so I never actually found her and it's been awhile. Not behind the tank or anything. But today, ANOTHER female gold barb mysteriously disappeared again! What could be happening?! :/

my biggest platy is male, he's about maybe an inch and a half. all the other fish are smaller than him, and there haven't been noticeable changes in size lately so I'm assuming they didn't eat the disappearing fish because they were pretty big, an inch long.

This is really strange. I changed the water yesterday but there is no way that she could have been sucked in. I check the bucket always and I count my fish all the time anyway, so she's just mysteriously gone today. :(

Don't know what I can do to prevent this in the future though D:
Do you have any other pets? They could have figured out how to open the lid and have a snack. :-( :cool: I feel so sorry for you.
No, I don't have any other pets :/
The only changes recently to the tank are adding a new plant and I fed them a little freeze dried blood worms yesterday.

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