Going To Have A Second Go At Breeding


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2012
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hi guys some of u might remember that about a month or so ago tried to breed 2 golden goramies in a 30 L but the tank was to small and the female was to young. so I recently saw blue gourmeis at my pet store that are double the size of the gold and I'm going to buy a 60L tank to keep them In. please give me us much info as you can on how to breed them I really want to do it this Time! thanks guys
Have another tank to put the female in after they breed. :eek: I wouldn't suggest keeping them in even the 60L for too long, perhaps even exclusively as a breeding tank. They should really be kept in 115L or more since they can grow up to be 15cm!
yes the 60L is going to be a breeding tank I have a 120 L that I'm going to keep the Female in will she be fine with plattys and guppies?
She might eat the babies.
Some people say that gouramis get jealous of the long flowing fins of guppies, but every gourami is different.
From mongabay.com
Breeding techniques: The tank water level should be lowered 4-6" (10-15 cm). The tank should have no circulation. Provide several females for the male, as he will drive off unreceptive mates. The male builds a bubble nest at the surface out of plants. Spawning takes place just below this nest. 500-1200 eggs are laid in the bubble nest where the male guards them. At this point, the female should be removed. The fry hatch after 20-30 hours, and are free-swimming after 4-5 days. The fry should be sorted out by size or else larger ones will cannibalize the smaller fry. Start feeding with small live foods.
from http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Trichogaster%20trichopterus.html

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