As I said mine is an educated guess, but get your water analysed and find out the hardness.
Also, do bring down the ph, at least to 6.5.
Not only the rams will be happier, but the neons also will be happier.
The betta will be fine either way
The rainbowfish... Well he won't be as happy.
That is the reason why biotope aquariums are a good idea. All the fish and inverts have the same requirements.
As things stand, if it were my tank, I'd get rid of the rainbowfish, move the betta to his own tank (make it a 40 litre) and make an amazon biotope in your main tank.
... But it's your tank, so you must decide what to do. Think seriously about your population and what you want to achieve and remember that compromises don't work very well at all.
If a fish can live between ph 6.5 and 8.5 (for example) it means that it will be happy roughly in the middle, and if taken to the extremes of his range it won't be as happy.
Check the water hardness, both general and carbonate. It's important.