General Cory Information


Fish Crazy
Jul 16, 2011
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Hey everyone,
I'm interested in getting some Corydoras but I don't know that much about them.
Before I consider buying, I would appreciate some help!
ie. what type of substrate, water conditions, food, gender, do they need to be in groups etc.
All info is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I know Cories need groups of at least 6 and are very hardy omnivores...and gender can be told by the difference in size, with the female being much larger...Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think sand is better for them than gravel, and they need lots of hiding places and sinking food...
Sand is the best substrate for corys, they sift it through their gills looking for food.
They need a high proportion of protein in their diet, bloodworm, daphnia brine shrimp etc at least 4 times a week plus a good quality catfish pellet.
They're a very peaceful active fish that does best kept in groups of 6+ of their own kind.
There are many varieties with differing temperature requirements I.e pandas prefer cooler temps whilst sterbai prefer it hotter.
For more detailed information on the various species have a look on www,
Thank you, I'll check out that website!
My mum used to have two or three peppered and bronze cories, on gravel, and I never thought anything of them (my mum's a terrible fishkeeper, I'm sorry to say 
Then I fell in love with some adolfois; bought three and had them on gravel, then found out they need bigger groups and on sand, so I got three more, changed to sand, and now they're one of my very favourite fish. They pootle around like chubby little Shetland ponies :D
Great thing about cories is they come in loads of different sizes and species that like lots of different water conditions, so there's a cory for nearly every set up :)
Haha they sound so cute!
Would very fine gravel/corse sand be okay? Or is fine sand ideal?
iBetta said:
Haha they sound so cute!
Would very fine gravel/corse sand be okay? Or is fine sand ideal?
Argos Play sand is idea for corys :D
Sharp Sand may damage they barbels.
Shaddex said:
Haha they sound so cute!
Would very fine gravel/corse sand be okay? Or is fine sand ideal?
Argos Play sand is idea for corys

Sharp Sand may damage they barbels.
Okay, thank you :)

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