G'day From Australia.


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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Hi guys, I've been wanting to join this forum for ages but have been to busy. I look forward to adding to your little community. Thanks.
Hi, there seems to be a few Aussies on here. Where abouts are you from? I'm south east of Melbourne.
1 1/2 hours out of Melbourne- Ballarat. Victorians rock!
Haha I was in Bendigo today! And I don't know how you country people can live out there :p
G'Day and Welcome
  to the forum, great to see more Aussies joining up
 . But sorry to say Victorians dont rock.....now those of us born in the NT that is a different kettle of fish
Serioulsy though happy to have another Aussie here, and hope you enjoy the forum.
Victorians do ROCK and they have all their teeth. Hehehe. Jokes. Ballarat never gets anywhere near bendigo heat.
It was hot, the air is really still and there's no WATER!!!!! I've recently realised that if I don't see the ocean for a while I start to go a bit crazy 
Nothing like the smell of the the sea to sharpen your wits!
Will you guys all shut up about Australia and your weather :(  I miss it.  I lived in that little island just off your south east coast (New Zealand) for 7 years, but having spent several months of holidaying in Aussie, thats where my true Antipodean heart lies.  I will be back one day :)  I would say Queenslanders Rock (cos its my favourite state), Victorians Wobble a bit, and NT folk just kind of Flop about (on account of being so laid back and easy going.  But its fair to say in general, AUSTRALIA ROCKS ;)  
  I can just see all the Victorians wobbling about the place
 , and the reason NT people are so laid back its to darn hot or humid to bother
NZ interests me in that it is usually so green (well the south island is) but also NZ has some amazing native fish that no one else will ever get to keep, no land based snakes and the comics of the bird world Kea's
 . So NZ is pretty cool too.
True that Mishmash. New Zealand is very similar to Australia actually, though not as sunny.
NZ is lovely too.  And as you say, similar in many ways to Aussie but much more compact.  Thats a good thing and a bad thing.  Kea's are comical to watch scampering around in the snow.  But NOT comical when you come back to a troupe of them trying to rip your windscreen rubber out !!  One of them hopped right up into the car with me and demanded food with menaces once.  
@TooManyChoices.... love the description of a Kiwi.  
That is a classic description of a kiwi
 . I think Aust got the Platypus (also echidna) while NZ got the Kiwi and Kakapo.  As for kea's I know they are super destructive but that is just because they are too intelligent for their own good. If I ever had the chance I would keep one as a pet, total nutters that they are.

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