Fun Fish For 10 Gallon?


Apr 11, 2013
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I have had bad luck with guppies the last past few months.  They just don't seem as hardy as they used to be.  Maybe it's just me, I don't know.  But anyways, I'd like to try something different.  I need the type of fish to get along with corys, as I have them in both my 10 gallons.  I've heard the options of other live bearers, danios, tetras, or a few female betas.  What works good for you?  I'd like a fun type of fish, preferably one that breeds fairly easily.   
Any input would be great!  Thanks!  
10 Gallons is too small for cories unless you've got pygmy ones. As it goes for the danios and tetras they need more space than 10G too. The options that are realistic are quite narrow but obviously a male betta springs to mind, pygmy puffers too? or just keep shrimp.
Merry Christmas!
I have gotten scolded for keeping bronze corys in a 10G but I'm pretty sure they are happy.  They've been spawning weekly. :)
Would dwarf puffers kill corys?  I hear they can be mean. 
Merry Christmas!
The footprint of a 10G is too small for Cories, IMO.
Instead of fish, have you looking into inverts? RCS are great little guys and breed easily.
Look into nano fish, many great options for a 10G tank.
If you cannot keep Guppies I don't fancy the chances of any other fish with you. Sorry.
I've kept gouramis, mollies, corys, shrimp, snails, and tetras.  Guppies around here are just WAY over bred or something.  A few years ago my guppies would live till they died of old age.  Now?  My females do fine but the brightly colored males died within a few months.  Whoever breeds the guppies at the LFS needs to work on their breeding methods. :/  I really don't think the guppys' deaths have much to do with my fish keeping, as all my other fish flourish and do just great.  It's just the male guppies.  
I've had shrimp before but I think I did something too quick when moving them to the tank because 9 of 10 died shortly. :/  See, I have 2 faucets, one hard, one soft.  For my corys I'm often going back and forth between the two.  Would this change of ph kill shrimp?  
You could actually keep a few neons in a ten gallon.  I had 3 for a few years and they were really happy.  Or even get some african dwarf frogs!!! I had some last year, they were over 6 years, finally they died of old age.  They were so fun!
You may or may not have seen THIS before, but it's about all I can come up with.
I'd personally go with the CPDs or Mosquito Rasboras, they're both pretty ^_^
I think you are correct when you say they are inbread to much. Is there any way you could get them by courier outside your area?
I would recommend either using one faucet or the other. There is no way the constant change in water is good for your fish. 
Definitely only use one with your shrimp (they'd do better in soft water than they would in hard).
I know.  I just like to use soft water and then a change of hard because that really triggers my corys to spawn.  I will try and do just one type.  Which is better for corys, soft or hard?  Oh, and our "soft water" is just hard water with an ion exchange.  
Are mosquito rasboras rare?  I've never seen them before at LFS.
I'm not sure if they're rare, I see them at our LFS on occasion. They have a few different names. Even if you don't see them at your LFS you could ask them if they're able to get them in?
We have a few small platys and a few guppies. They seem to be getting along wonderfully :)
Courier is a company that can transport items to you from other companies. EG:- Aquarist shops for fish etc.

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