Friend For Male Betta


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2014
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I have 3 mollies and 1 make Betta, all very happy.

I want to add at least another 2 or 3 smaller fish

I was thinking of adding a shrimp at some point, I also won't be adding friends for a fee weeks, just wanted idea of types so I can find who has them

You have been told multiple times by multiple people on this forum that your tank is too small for the mollies. Right now you are technically overstocked and fish in cycling by the sounds of your other posts, so you shouldn't be adding anything else. I'm surprised you got another male betta already after the death of your other one, probably due to being in an uncycled tank. I don't like being rude to people but if you refuse to listen to advice you are given why are you even bothering asking?
Please rehome the mollies or return them to your LFS. Ideally you should also do the same with the betta and do a fishless cycle, but a fish in cycle with just one betta will be doable if you do it properly and are diligent. Once the tank is cycled you can add some shrimp and/or depending on your substrate a small school of pygmy cories.
Before anyone can answer your query about tank stocking suitability.
Need to a few basic questions.
What is your tank size first of all?
And is your tank cycled?
Means did you cycle you tank following a article like this,
Also, if you know it, ph and water hardness if you have that test kit.
The more information, the more we can help you 
kiwifeather said:
You have been told multiple times by multiple people on this forum that your tank is too small for the mollies. Right now you are technically overstocked and fish in cycling by the sounds of your other posts, so you shouldn't be adding anything else. I'm surprised you got another male betta already after the death of your other one, probably due to being in an uncycled tank. I don't like being rude to people but if you refuse to listen to advice you are given why are you even bothering asking?
Please rehome the mollies or return them to your LFS. Ideally you should also do the same with the betta and do a fishless cycle, but a fish in cycle with just one betta will be doable if you do it properly and are diligent. Once the tank is cycled you can add some shrimp and/or depending on your substrate a small school of pygmy cories.

My local aquatic centre have no issues with fish I have and also suggested adding some more, they don't believe it's over stocked or close to it and that was with 6.

They said the mollies have plenty of room and space and seem very happy, they said the cycling of the tank is remarkable for the amount of time it's been set up.

They have said I'm one of only a few that actually listen and take on board the correct advise, I've spoken with other people, forums and all dissagree with you idea of mollies in my tank being overstocked, they say, it's about the time you want to spend looking after them, filet action and quality of water.

I have no issues with the mollies and more do the aquatics centre who have years nd years of knowledge and have seen my tank and tested the water every other day.

I see from this forum every sticks with the book rules, and no one can question that on here, and people who do or don't go agree with that ate moaned at. Just like this
looking-glass said:
what size is the tank :)

Aquatics have suggested 3 small tetra fish, or similar size fish.
A word of advice, a lot of local fish stores (LFS) are known to give bad advice, usually in order to make sales and will say most thing you want to hear whether good or bad as long as you buy things from them.
People are not moaning at you about your stocking, they are trying to help you and make you aware your fish will not be happy in a tank too small for them.
There are a lot of very experienced keepers on this forum and they pass on good advice and tips for new starters and everyone who asked questions to this fish keeping hobby.
I hope you will continue to listen and learn as you go along, we have your best interests as well as tank stocking's wellbeing.
The aquatics place I use has been ran for many many Yeats even before I was born, I went in for a pump last week and they didn't sell me anything and actually told me how to create what I wanted free.

They never try and sell me anything and only have time for me, last visit I spent hour with them talking and bought nothing, they don't do it to make loads of money they do it as a hobby and all have other jobs.

My local pet shop want my money that's why ended up in the mess in first place,

This place I now use is highly recommended by many people in the area. It's not even a shop of sorts, it's a hut in back of someone garden who stocks fish and food etc.

I would hardly say they are after my money.
We can't 'make' you follow advice on the forum, but neither can you 'make' us contribute to overstocking and stressing/killing fish.
ch4lie i agree 100% with you we have talked in chat about bettas before i am going to state that of course your lfs will say that fine stocking if they get a chance  to sell more fish i have a 40 litre tank with a male betta i am going to put fish in with him this week unless you have an algae you need no tankmates for your betta im getting oto cats to clear algae then they r going into my 96ltr community tank.
if your not happy with your  tank having only one betta in it then bettas arent for you my betta does tricks im sure if u train yours to jump he will be happy and ull be happy having only him put a bottle of tetra safestart in to give the fish the best chance its live bacteria

tuna girll is that a veil tail betta in ur photo
guppyguy1234 said:
tuna girll is that a veil tail betta in ur photo
Hey there, no that is my half moon betta, Nigel

I have three tanks:
30l tank with a male betta and some shrimp
60l tank with a female betta and some shrimp, and 9 Finke gobies
25l tank with a male betta (shrimp coming)
Wouldn't stock them any more than that. Bettas swim in the top to mid regions of the tank and don't like visitors in that area much, so I always go for something that is going to sit on the bottom. Clear shrimp seem to go okay with bettas so long as there are plenty of places to hide, but you have to have very good water parameters.
Mollies being in a smaller tank with good quality water and adequate filtration is fine right? But what about the fish itself... does it really have enough room in there? 
Everyone here that is "moaning" about what you've done only want what's best, for you and your fish :)
Believe me, when I joined I thought everyone was attacking me, criticizing basically my whole setup and stocking. 
I was annoyed at first (I like to think im always right ;) ) But as I realised I needed to do a whole lot more research. After almost 4 months of an empty tank (I sold my fish quickly after learning that they wouldve been VERY unhappy) 
But now my tanks full again, cycling. i am really excited to see fish who are happy and healthy :) 
Just remember everyone on here just wants the best for you and your fish. It is a difficult hobby, so many different opinions and views on everything.  But learning is part of it :)
Think about whats been said to you :)
AshleyNZ said:
Mollies being in a smaller tank with good quality water and adequate filtration is fine right? But what about the fish itself... does it really have enough room in there? 
Everyone here that is "moaning" about what you've done only want what's best, for you and your fish :)
Believe me, when I joined I thought everyone was attacking me, criticizing basically my whole setup and stocking. 
I was annoyed at first (I like to think im always right ;) ) But as I realised I needed to do a whole lot more research. After almost 4 months of an empty tank (I sold my fish quickly after learning that they wouldve been VERY unhappy) 
But now my tanks full again, cycling. i am really excited to see fish who are happy and healthy :) 
Just remember everyone on here just wants the best for you and your fish. It is a difficult hobby, so many different opinions and views on everything.  But learning is part of it :)
Think about whats been said to you :)

Understand that fully, if my fish loom unhappy in anyway I'm first on here asking, and remember the mollies were sold to me by a pet shop for a 22l, surely faults on them not me, they won't take back sadly so only option I had was to file a complaint with the store and they gave me a tank double the size, the fish all seem happy, swimming around having fun, the mollies arnt overly big and seem content.

I ask for friend for my Betta as I'm sure the mollies are to active for the Betta, and we are discussing buying a large tank with cabinet at some time for the corner of my living room, which will be 240ltr which should give the mollies a better home and also thinking chiclids for that tank. At the min I have no option so the mollies will basically have to do where they are, and the fact is that when pet shop screwed me over I changed there tanks and did a fish in cycle on it, and I've managed to keep the mollies alive and well, yes the make Betta died but I don't think that was water quality, when I had to regime him he didn't look to great and rarely swam or ate.

Female fighters have been 're homed.

I'm making best of what I have and was miss sold and I've kept them alive and well and prob doing more then anyone to keep them safe, water changes , testing water daily, spending what ever it takes to keep 3 fish alive that actually only cost £5 for the 3, I've done more then most would, some don't even care and just l ave them and hope for best.
dazzadub said:
I would hardly say they are after my money.
In fairness, they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't after money.

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