Free- Ramshorn And Pond Snails

was the apple snails towards myself or the OP ?
if i get them breeding i shell let you have a couple footyfish :D
no my apple snails died a while back :( looking to get some more though, and yes i do hope they get breeding, if not though not a lost
Well if you only want 3 I will probably have some in no time - will have to wait till after I move house though and get my internet set up there! So we are talking not till the 14th or so.

I have apple snail babies now, hatched a couple of days ago, so just waiting for them to grow :)
Keiron - :unsure: Sad to here never nice an animal dieing

Nessar - Will these newly hatched apples be up for sale ;) :good:
Keiron - :unsure: Sad to here never nice an animal dieing

Nessar - Will these newly hatched apples be up for sale ;) :good:

They will be, but im going to let them grow a bit first - not sure how they'd survive in the post this small. Can't tell colours yet either. It's my first batch so no idea how long it takes them to grow.
yes never nice having a animal died, had many fish along the road and even my girlfriend gecko, didnt kill it it wasnt well to start with poor thing :(

And i might be intrested in some apples when you get them grown on, how much will they be, also let me know when you post them, and i can say when they get to me :D
Received payment for the ramshorn snails, thanks :) Will be posting Wednesday so expect Thursday.

Footyfish - looked in my main tank and they seem to have multiplyed again since I took the last batch out. As you only want a few I can do that if you like? They will be small though. If youre still interested how many do you want?

Havent decided a price on the apples yet, will depend how big they are when I sell and what colours I get. Probably 50p to a pound each. All I can tell at the moment is that some have dark shells and some have light. They will take a while to grow (not sure how long) so dont get too excited just yet :)

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