Here he is, sometimes there hardly noticeable then most the time there like this it's frustrating cause I can't fix him. The other tank mates are all fine
It looks like lymphocyctis (sp) it is a right pain to cure if you have other severums in with him they will also most likely get it, from the sound of it fading and coming back again it sure sounds like it. I had a terrible time dealing with this with my texas cichlids, I lost all but 1. What dechlorinator are you using? make sure you have one that does both chlorine and chloramine. The lympho will attach itself to any cut scrape or bumped scale, it is a virus and no medications will touch it. If he is stressed he will be loosing his protective slime coat, this will also allow the virus to attach. You would need to give him extra foods containing carlic to help boost his immune system, extra vitamin supliments also, sadly I found this out too late but managed to save my last texas. If it gets into his mouth or gills he will be in trouble. You need to remove all decor so there is no chance of him bumping into anything as it only takes a tiny scrape for the virus to re-attach and form another lump.
It can remain in the tank for over a year and can take that long to cure so long as the fish does not sucum to it first, ie gets into his blood stream. However it is a species specific virus, so all your other fish are safe it will only affect the severum or any other severums, if you do re-home him you will not be able to have another severum straight away and the person taking it cannot have other severums either . I do have a tank I could put him in he would have a 50/50 chance at pulling through, trouble is I have no car at the moment so I couldnt collect him.
If he has had it a couple of months already then it does sound more like lymphocystis. Foods to try are BCUK frozen foods they do a brine shrimp & garlic and brine shrimp with omega 3, also check out ebay for vitazin it wont cure it but it will help. I am in Birmingham.
That sounds like it, try more frequent small water changes also, the cleaner the water and the more slime coat he can produce the more chance he has at fighting it and stopping the virus re-infecting him, its a horried virus to deal with. If you want any more help you can e-mail me, my address is in my profile, I will try and help as much as I can, good luck
Just to re-iterate to anyone wanting to buy your other fish, this virus is species specific they will NOT be affected by it. None of the other fish in the tank I had this virus in were affected only my texas cichlids.